Fish in a tree

I think I am rooting on Ally that she will improve. I think Mr. Daniels is really helping Ally because he never sent her to the principle’s office. Also he never yells at Ally or marks mistakes on her papers. Ally’s classmates are really great to talk about, then there is Shay. Shay is the least likeable because she makes fun of many people and no one hangs out with her really. Ally helps out her friends Albert and Keisha by helping with their problems and getting their confidence. I do think it is like reality because the author told us about how much she struggled in school and I actually was in one of those situations. That classmate of mine had problems on a lot of problems in subjects and he tries his best on his work.

Dear COD,

Dear COD,

I know I play a lot and my mom says “Deja de jugando con eso cosa” and thinks I play for hours, nope that is my brother.  A lot of times I really wish I had a ps# or an xbox so  my dad could play with me and my brother. When ever my friends come over or knock on my door and say “Can you come outside and play with us” and I say “Not now I am playing on my wii u and I’ll come out when the round is over.” They think I’m so addicted with you and I’m too violent,” but I know when I’m too violent or I’m not.When I first got you I was so excited to play and play with my brother. My parents are too annoyed by me playing and sometimes my mom plays but not all the time but not you though. So whenever I start playing too long my parents will stop it. I am pretty sure that won’t happen. So if you think I’m too violent or anyone else well I’m not and it is your opinion.

